Application Value Detail
Operations for Application Values (Configuration).
Required POST
- Parameters (body Payload)
- Action (action)
- Three actions are supported, Create (create), Modify/Update (modify) and Delete (delete)
- Modify and Delete actions require a valid key to be supplied in the body.
- NOTE: The Create action requires the key to be unique as compared to existing table entries (doesn't already exist).
- Key (key_au)
- Table key of a value entry, a value is a key/value pair.
- Value (value_au)
Example POST
curl -X POST https://<<>>/CNBS/v1/apu/values/id?sap-client=800&sap-language=EN&apiid=CNBSMV01R -H accept: application/json -H content-type: application/json -H cnbssysid: nR4kLO/8HCiuv+1hev5fbMgcMpOwhKf3GvJZvxZ3ZPQ= -d "{ \"action\": \"create\", \"data\": { \"key_au\": \"PostmanTestKey\", \"value_au\": \"PostmanTestKeyValue\" }}"
The response consists of an values list table with a single entry(data) and a status (status).
- Values List (data)
- Key (key_au)
- Value (value_au)
- Status (status)
- Message Type (message_type)
- SAP Message Type.
- Errors:
- E = Error
- A = Abort
- X = Exception
- Others:
- S = Success
- W = Warning
- I = Information
- Message Identifier (message_identification)
- SAP Message ID.
- Message Number (message_number)
- SAP Message Number.
- Message Line (message_line_string)
- SAP Message Text.
Example Response
{ "data": [ { "key_au": "ApplicationUrl", "value_au": "http://localhost:3000/" } ], "status": { "message_type": "S", "message_identification": "/CNBS/X_API", "message_number": 10, "message_line_string": "Request successfully processed", "json": "" } }