Get access token
Get access token for XI intercept.
High level summary of required operations:
- The first call is needed to get a valid access token along with the tokenization endpoint URI via an AJAX call to the CNBS API.
- The action here is “01”
- The endpoint is /tokenization/access_token
- After successful access token retrieval the actual 3rd party tokenization API needs to be called via AJAX.
- The payload for token retrieval will have to include the credit card details in a specific packet format.
- In the success handler of the token retrieval AJAX call another call to the CNBS API is made to get the actual response from the 3rd party tokenization service.
- The action here is “02”
- The endpoint is /tokenization/response
- Action (action)
- 01 = Get Access Token
- Payment Method (payment_method)
- CC = Credit Card
- EC = Electronic Check
Example POST
JSON Payload:
{ "action": "01", "payment_method": "CC" }
curl -X POST "https://<<>>/cnbs/v1/tokenization/access_token?sap-client=800&sap-language=EN&apiid=CNBSMV01P" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -H "cnbssysid: gPuM1VyY1dxlTE2MEs2yajJUkX3/4+2Pw1alRw4BOtI=" -d "{ \"action\": \"01\", \"payment_method\": \"CC\"}"
Example GET
curl -X GET "https://<<>>/cnbs/v1/tokenization/access_token?sap-client=800&sap-language=EN&apiid=CNBSMV01R&action=01&payment_method=CC" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -H "cnbssysid: gPuM1VyY1dxlTE2MEs2yajJUkX3/4+2Pw1alRw4BOtI=" -H "authorization: Basic Q05CU0FQSUlDRjpjbmJzNHlvdTE="
- Merchant GUID (merchant_guid)
- Unique Merchant GUID of this acess token.
- Access Token (access_token)
- Access token to get the reponse payload from the 3rd party payment provicer
- Tokenization URI (paymetric_xi_url)
- 3rd party payment provider tokenization endpoint.
- Status (status)
- Message Type (message_type)
- SAP Message Type.
- Errors:
- E = Error
- A = Abort
- X = Exception
- Others:
- S = Success
- W = Warning
- I = Information
- Message Identifier (message_identification)
- SAP Message ID.
- Message Number (message_number)
- SAP Message Number.
- Message Line (message_line_string)
- SAP Message Text.
Example Response
{ "merchant_guid": "711c8483-d37f-4d82-bb9d-0273a560a96d", "access_token": "2e62de4a-15d8-4e06-bf13-00a6cd2c9fc9", "paymetric_xi_url": "", "status": { "message_type": "S", "message_identification": "/CNBS/X_API", "message_number": 10, "message_line_string": "Request successfully processed" } }