Get customizing data. Should be called once when the UI frontend do the first connect to SAP.
curl -X POST "https://<<>>/cnbs/v1/customizing?sap-client=800&sap-language=EN&apiid=CNBSMV01R" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -H "cnbssysid: gPuM1VyY1dxlTE2MEs2yajJUkX3/4+2Pw1alRw4BOtI="
curl -X GET "https://<<>>/cnbs/v1/customizing?sap-client=800&sap-language=EN&apiid=CNBSMV01R" -H "accept: application/json" -H "content-type: application/json" -H "cnbssysid: gPuM1VyY1dxlTE2MEs2yajJUkX3/4+2Pw1alRw4BOtI=" -H "authorization: Basic Y2tvZXNzbDpjbmJzMjF5b3U="
The response consists of several customizing tables.
{ "application_id": "CNBSMV01R", "description": "CNBS API Master V01 (RESTful)", "generel_data": { "partial_payments_allowed": "X", "cvv_use_control": "1" }, "company_codes": [ { "company_code": "3000", "currency_key": "USD", "active": "X" } ], "sales_area_data": [ { "sales_organization": "3000", "distribution_channel": "10", "division": "00", "active": "X" } ], "document_types": [ { "document_type": "01", "description": "Invoice", "maximum_documents_returned": 500, "pdf_document_available": "X", "status_id": "01" } ], "document_status": [ { "status_id": "01", "status": "01", "description": "Open" }, { "status_id": "01", "status": "02", "description": "Completed" }, { "status_id": "01", "status": "03", "description": "Open and Completed" } ], "payment_types": [ { "payment_type": "D", "description": "[Deposits] Direct AR", "active": "X" }, { "payment_type": "O", "description": "[Payments] Open AR", "active": "X", "reason_not_required": "X" } ], "payment_methodes": [ { "payment_type": "D", "payment_method": "CC", "description": "Credit Card", "active": "X" }, { "payment_type": "D", "payment_method": "EC", "description": "E-Check", "active": "X" }, { "payment_type": "O", "payment_method": "CC", "description": "Credit Card", "active": "X" }, { "payment_type": "O", "payment_method": "EC", "description": "E-Check", "active": "X" } ], "payment_provider": [ { "payment_provider": "PM", "description": "Paymetric", "payment_provider_key": "6w/XoN9?7i}B-2Gn8y!Fg%W45Cd+j3*R", "payment_provider_merchant_guide": "711c8483-d37f-4d82-bb9d-0273a560a96d", "payment_provider_version": "PM03", "secure_3ds_enabled": "X", "secure_3ds_version": "2.1.0", "initialization_url": "" } ], "payment_reason_codes": [ { "company_code": "3000", "payment_type": "D", "reason_code": "055", "description": "Payment on Account" }, { "company_code": "3000", "payment_type": "O", "reason_code": "DG", "comments_required": "X", "description": "Damaged goods" }, { "company_code": "3000", "payment_type": "O", "reason_code": "PP", "description": "Partial payment" } ], "payment_cards": [ { "payment_provider": "PM", "payment_card_type": "AMEX", "external_payment_card_type": "3000" }, { "payment_provider": "PM", "payment_card_type": "EC" }, { "payment_provider": "PM", "payment_card_type": "MC", "external_payment_card_type": "5000" }, { "payment_provider": "PM", "payment_card_type": "VISA", "external_payment_card_type": "4000", "preauthorization_active": "X", "preauthorization_amount": 0.1 } ], "function_modules": [ { "function_module_name": "Z_CNBS_API_EXA1_ROUTE_BOOK" } ], "parameters": [ { "parameter_name": "DEFAPIID", "parameter_value": "CNBSMV010" } ], "logging_events": [ { "id": "ADD_PAYMENT_CARD", "description": "Add payment card" }, { "id": "DEL_PAYMENT_CARD", "description": "Delete payment card" }, { "id": "MOD_PAYMENT_CARD", "description": "Modify payment card" }, { "id": "POST_DEPOSIT", "description": "Pay deposit" }, { "id": "POST_INVOICE", "description": "Pay Invoice" } ], "sapcust": { "currency_decimals": [ { "currkey": "0" }, { "currkey": "1", "currdec": 1 }, { "currkey": "10", "currdec": 10 }, { "currkey": "11", "currdec": 11 }, { "currkey": "12", "currdec": 12 }, { "currkey": "13", "currdec": 13 }, { "currkey": "14", "currdec": 14 }, { "currkey": "2", "currdec": 2 }, { "currkey": "3", "currdec": 3 }, { "currkey": "4", "currdec": 4 }, { "currkey": "5", "currdec": 5 }, { "currkey": "6", "currdec": 6 }, { "currkey": "7", "currdec": 7 }, { "currkey": "8", "currdec": 8 }, { "currkey": "9", "currdec": 9 }, { "currkey": "BEF" }, { "currkey": "ESP" }, { "currkey": "HUF" }, { "currkey": "IDR" }, { "currkey": "ITL" }, { "currkey": "JPY" }, { "currkey": "KRW" }, { "currkey": "KUD", "currdec": 3 }, { "currkey": "LUF" }, { "currkey": "PKT", "currdec": 3 }, { "currkey": "RUR" }, { "currkey": "TJLP", "currdec": 5 }, { "currkey": "TND", "currdec": 3 }, { "currkey": "TWD" }, { "currkey": "USD5", "currdec": 5 }, { "currkey": "USDN", "currdec": 5 } ] }, "release_information": { "releae_version": "13", "service_pack": "03", "publishing_date": "20220216" }, "status": { "message_type": "S", "message_identification": "/CNBS/X_API", "message_number": 10, "message_line_string": "Request successfully processed" } } Response headers